LIVE A MEANINGFUL LIFE
In life all good things end fast. The more you have the more you worry. Family and relations become less exciting as you grow older. Each day passes like a hundred that have passed before. Boredom has become this generations biggest disease. Has your life become dull and boring?
Meaningful life is a concept. It is the concept of thinking, speaking and acting with pure heart. Meaningful life concepts encourage human beings to follow very simple but important philosophy for our soul to lift us into inspiration, enlightenment, and awareness. Take it away and your life is meaningless.   
Concepts that gives continues meaning to your life.
1.      Be Happy
What is happiness? It means taking pleasure in what you do and what you have. Happiness is enriching and productive, it gives us a feeling of power and energy.
Happiness can calm your mind. It will improve your relationship with family, peers and neighbours. Possessing happiness will make you a better human being/a better citizen and ultimately a promoter of a better community. The happiness in you will cultivate deep sense of inner peace that comes when you believe that your life have meaning and you are making a difference to the people around and the community you belong.
2.      Show Compassion and Interest  
Compassion is nothing but a sense of caring. Caring brings enlightenment, insight and knowledge, which is vital for a meaningful life. A meaningful life is determined by the quality and not quantity of ones relationships with people around you.
I once hired a taxi for Rs 250/- to reach my place of stay in Delhi. While the driver was on wheels I started conversing with him about his family. Both of us were around the same age and have sons of same age. On arriving my place of stay, I paid him the agreed taxi fare of Rs 250/-, thanked him and gave him a chocolate I had in my pocket for his son. As he was walking back to the car he paused briefly turned walked towards me and returned    Rs 100/- telling me that distance run was only worth Rs 150/-. While he was talking I could see that he underwent an amazing transformation, his tanned face was wreathed with smiles and gratitude. Show interest in people, if you try, you can like everybody and everybody will like you and this will continuously make meaning to your life. Seek out, do not limit yourself to a few friends when there are so many likeable people around you.
3.      Nurture a warm heart
A warm heart brings fulfillment in your life. A warm heart radiates love and warmth. Our parents, peers, spouses, children and neighbors will be happy to receive the warmth and love. The entire community around you will get transformed and shall reciprocate love and warmth.
4.      Have a purpose
All of us want a life filled with joy, purpose and meaning. Purpose is vital for mans survival and health. Discovering a purpose for your life and keeping it with you on a daily basis and working hard on yourself to the point where you become that purpose gives meaning to your life. It helps you to do meaningful hard work by which you can explore your talents and ability that can bring meaningful results in life.
5.      Radiate
Some people just shine. They are cheerful, pleasant and joyful. They are positive and enthusiastic. They are always optimistic and right in what they say and do. There is a glow around them.
I once requested a priest to visit my ailing friend admitted in a hospital. I was least surprised when my ailing friend called to say- hi vinod, he is amazing, I am upbeat, happy and feel good after talking with him,despite all his illness.
A powerful and clam mind is required to influence people around you with humor and timing. You should learn to radiate, and be like a radiant sun in life, shining on everyone equally. Radiate your love and light to all around you. Thats when thoughts become things and give meaning to your life and make you repeat words of St Paul.
I have fought the good fight. I have finished the course, I have kept the faith. In the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness which the lord, the righteous judge, will award me on that day    
(The writer Vinod Kuriakose can be contacted at
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